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Friday, July 17, 2009

Thoughtful gift

My GF Denise comes to all of my monthly classes and always brings me something sweet! Denise just came back from Vegas and was sick, sick, sick - poor thing! I can't believe that she still managed to shop for little gifts to share with her friends...you are so sweet!! Love this owl stamp and of course, my favorite Bath & Body lotion (Pink too!!). Thank you for being so thoughtful and I am glad that you feel better! I created a thank you card for Denise using this cute owl stamp, but didn't take a photo of it...I guess you'll just have to check out Denise's blog to get a glimpse of it if and when she posts it!


Kyoko said...

Oh so cute the Owl stamp and sweet smelling lotion. Denise is just the greatest and so are YOU!

Colleen said...

What a cute gift for your two friends. I love the purple owl since on of my favorite colors is purple too.