Hi There! This blog will no longer have any new post or activities. Please click here to go to my NEW blog, as I've depleted all the memory on this one. I hope to see you there! I will, however, continue to keep this blog up, as there are tons of ideas and tutorials that you may want to search through. When you are done searching here, please head on over to my new blog and visit me there. Aloha, Teri

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Do you like the add ons???

Just wanted to send a big MA-HAA-LO (thank you) to sistah Jen for the assistance in helping me add on the **my weather** and ** date and time** to my blog...LOVE IT!!! Now all you blog sisters checking out the blog know what the weather is like in Waimanalo and also what day it is and the time!

Here's a pic of Mr. Cyrus (Jen's son) working the Cuttlebug machine. I think he's the youngest CB user and a **cutie** I might add...


Little C's Creations said...

awwww... look at my cutie pa-tutie!!! more worse, he's making a scrunchy face... so cute!!!

Jean said...

Oh my gosh, what a cute kid! And what cool Google gadgets! I must go and check those out.